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Sino-Russian Mathematics Center-JLU Colloquium(2024-004)—Modular classes in Poisson and Jacobi geometry

Posted: 2024-02-18   Views: 

Title:Modular classes in Poisson and Jacobi geometry

Reporter:Aissa Wade

Work Unit:Penn State University, USA

Time:Feb.22 21:00-22:00

Address:ZOOM Id:904 645 6677,Password:2024

Link: https://zoom.us/j/9046456677?pwd=Y2ZoRUhrdWUvR0w0YmVydGY1TVNwQT09&omn=87511211646


Summary of the report:

The modular class of a Poisson manifold is an element of its first Poisson cohomology group, which measures the obstruction to the existence of a measure on this Poisson manifold that is invariant under all Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms The concept of a modular class was extended to general Lie algebroids by Evens, Lu and Weinstein. Recently, there have been various developments and applications of modular classes of Poisson manifolds and Lie algebroids. The main goal of this talk is to introduce modular classes in the more general setting of Jacobi geometry. We will first give a brief review of modular classes in Poisson geometry, and then we will discuss Jacobi manifolds, Jacobi algebroids, and Gerstenhaber Jacobi algebras. Finally, we will introduce modular classes of Jacobi manifolds and Jacobi algebroids.


Introduction of the Reporter:

Aissa Wade is a professor in the Mathematics Department at Penn State University. She was the Head of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) center in Senegal from 2016 to 2018. Her research interests lie in Poisson geometry, contact geometry and mathematical physics.


