學術論文: |
1. Y. Li and J. X. Yin, 2000, Radially symmetric solutions of generalized mean curvature equation with singularity, Chin. Ann. Math. 21A, 483-490
2. M. Kunze, T. Kupper and Y. Li, 2000, On Conley index theory for non-smooth dynamical systems, Differential Integral Equations 13, 479-502.
3. T. Kupper, Y. Li and B. Zhang, 2000, Periodic solutions for dissipative-repulsive systems, Tohoku Math. J. 52(4), 321-329.
4. Q. D. Huang, F. Z. Cong and Y. Li, 2000, Hyperbolic lower dimensional invariant tori for Hamiltonian systems, J. Differential Equations 164, 355-379.
5. F. Z. Cong, T. Kupper, Y. Li and J. G. You, 2000, KAM-type theorem on resonant surfaces for nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems, J. Nonl. Sci. 10, 49-68.
6. Q. D. Huang, F. Z. Cong and Y. Li, 2001, Elliptic lower dimensional invariant tori for generalized Hamiltonian systems, Nonl. Anal. 45, 241-260.
7. S. Y. Shi and Y. Li, 2001, Non-integrability for general nonlinear systems, Z. Angew Math. Phys. 52, 191-200.
8. S-N. Chow, Y. Li and Y. F. Yi, 2002, Persistence of invariant tori on submanifolds in Hamiltonian systems, J. Nonlinear Sci., Vol. 12, 585-617.
9. Y. Li and Y. F. Yi, 2002, Persistence of invariant tori for generalized Hamiltonian systems, Ergod. Th & Dyn. Sys., Vol. 22, 1233-1261.
10. Y. Li and Y. F. Yi, 2003, A quasiperiodic Poincare theorem, Math. Ann., Vol. 326, 649-690.
11. K. H. Kwek, Y. Li and S. Y. Shi, 2003, Partial integrability for general nonlinear systems, Z. Angew Math. Phys. 54, 26-47.
12. F. Z. Cong and Y. Li, 2004, Effective stability for generalized Hamiltonian systems, Science in China Ser. A Mathematics, Vol. 47, 675-686.
13. Y. C. Han and Y. Li,2005, Arnold’s theorem on properly degenerate systems with the Russmann nondegeneracy, Science in China Ser. A Mathematics, 48, no. 12, 1656-1669.
14. Y. Li and Y. F. Yi, 2005, On Poincaré-Treshchev tori in Hamiltonian systems. EQUADIFF 2003, 136--151, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2005
15. Y. Li and Y. F. Yi, 2005, Persistence of lower dimensional tori of general types in Hamiltonian systems, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 357, 1565-1600.
16. Y. Li and Y. F. Yi, 2005, Persistence of hyperbolic tori in Hamiltonian systems, J. Differential Equations, 208, 344-387.
17. Y. C. Han, Y. Li and Y. F. Yi, 2006, Degenerate lower-dimensional tori in Hamiltonian systems, J. Differential Equations, 227, 670-691.
18. W. B. Liu and Y. Li, 2006, Existence of 2pi-periodic solutions for the non-dissipative Duffing equation under asymptotic behaviors of potential function, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 57 , 1-11.
19. S. G. Ji and Y. Li, 2006, Periodic solutions to one-dimensional wave equation with x-dependent coefficients, J. Differential Equations, to appear.
20. Y. Li and Y. F. Yi, 2006, Nekhoroshev and KAM stabilities in generalized Hamiltonian systems, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, to appear. |