學術論文: |
1、Yang, Han,Li, Qiang,Liang, Xuezhang,Approximations of circular arcs by quartic bézier curves,Proceedings 2019 6th International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering,2019.09.(EI) 2、Yang, Han,Li, Qiang; Liang, Xue-Zhang,Quartic spline approximation of a circle by piecewise Bézier curves with high smoothness and accuracy, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Application Engineering, CSAE 2018.(EI) 3、梁學章,李強,劉暢,圓錐曲面上的Lagrange插值,中國科學: 數學2015,45(9), 1573-1582. 4、Ying Liang, Jiaxu Zhang, Dandan Jia, Kungui Zhang, Qiang Li and Xuezhang Liang, Estimating Lorenz curve of income in China by cubic spline interpolation,Research & Reviews : Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Science,2015, 1(2), p.36-39. 5、趙義武,梁學章,李強,三進制Loop細分曲面的C1連續性分析, 中國科學(數學), 44(7),2014,787-798.1、趙義武,婁岩,李強,戰揚,梁學章, 三角形網格規則點的多進制細分算法,吉林大學學報(理學版), 51(5),2013, 795-801 6、趙義武,婁岩,李強,戰揚,梁學章, 三角形網格規則點的多進制細分算法,吉林大學學報(理學版), 51(5),2013, 795-801 7、Yang Zhang, Xue-Zhang Liang, Qiang Li,A Further Research on the Convergence of Wu- Schaback’s Multi-quadric Quasi-Interpolation , J Appl Computat Math 2(4), 2013,1-3. 8、Yao-hong Xue, Xue-zhang Liang Qiang Li, Construction and applica- tions of biorthogonal ternary Loop subdivision wavelets, International Journal of Wavelets, multiresolu- tion and Information Processing, 9(4),2011, 531- 548. 9、 Xue-zhang, Liang,Yao-hong Xue and Qiang Li, Some applications of Loop subdivision wavelet tight frames to the processing of 3D graphics, The Visual Computer, 27(1), 2011,35-43. 10、孫佳甯、梁學章、李強,(M,R)型插值可加細函數向量的構造,中國科學(A), 40(7), 2010,709-722. 11、薛耀紅、梁學章、李強,Loop細分小波框架對圖形傳輸與去噪的應用,計算機工程與應用, 46(1),2010,169-172. |