學術論文: |
[24] Tian Niu, Junliang Lv, Jiahui Gao, Uniqueness and numerical method for phaseless inverse diffraction grating problem with known superposition of incident point sources, Inverse Problems, 40(8), 085006, 2024. [23] Lei Lin, Junliang Lv, Shuxin Li, An adaptive finite element DtN method for the acoustic-elastic interaction problem, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 50(4), 67, 2024. [22] Shuxin Li, Junliang Lv, Yi Wang, Numerical method for the inverse interior scattering problem from phaseless data, Inverse Problem and Imaging, 18(4), 776-796, 2024. [21] Dan, Wu, Junliang Lv, Zhiqiang Sheng, A nonlinear finite volume element method preserving the discrete maximum principle for heterogeneous anisotropic diffusion equations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 451, 116023, 2024. [20] Tian Niu, Junliang Lv, Dan Wu, Uniqueness in phaseless inverse electromagnetic scattering problem with known superposition of incident electric dipoles, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 46(17), 17692–17703, 2023.[19] Lei Lin, Junliang Lv, Jingyan Yue, Guangwei Yuan, Mesh conditions of the preserving-maximum-principle linear finite volume element method for anisotropic diffusion-convection-reaction equations, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 39(3), 1-26, 2023. [18] Guofang Chen, Junliang Lv, Xinye Zhang, Finite volume element method for nonlinear elliptic equations on quadrilateral meshes. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 140, 154–168, 2023. [17] Dan Wu, Junliang Lv, Lei Lin, Zhiqiang Sheng, A maximum-principle-preserving finite volume scheme for diffusion problems on distorted meshes. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 15(4), 1076-1108, 2023. [16] Lei Lin, Junliang Lv, Dan Wu, Error estimate of the cell-centered nonlinear positivity-preserving two-point flux approximation schemes, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 137, 1-13, 2023.
[15] Dan Wu, Junliang Lv and Hao Qian, Parallel domain decomposition schemes based on finite volume element discretization for nonsteady-state diffusion equations on distorted meshes, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 112, 97-115, 2022. [14] Xue Jiang, Peijun Li, Junliang Lv, Zhoufeng Wang, Haijun Wu and Weiying Zheng, An adaptive edge finite element DtN method for Maxwell’s equations in biperiodic structures, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 42(3), 2794-2828, 2022. [13] Xiang Wang, Junliang Lv and Yonghai Li, New superconvergent structures developed from the finite volume element method in 1D, Mathematics of Computation, 90(329), 1179–1205, 2021. [12]Dan Wu, Jingyan Yue, Guangwei Yuan and Junliang Lv, Finite volume element approximation for nonlinear diffusion problems with degenerate diffusion coefficients, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 140, 23-47, 2019. [11] Xue Jiang, Peijun Li, Junliang Lv and Weiying Zheng, Convergence of the PML solution for elastic wave scattering by biperiodic structures, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 16(4), 987-1016, 2018. [10] Junliang Lv, Guangwei Yuan and Jingyan Yue, Nonnegarivity-preserving repair techniques for the finite element solutions of degenerate nonlinear parabolic problems, 11(3), 413-436, 2018. [9] Mingming Zhang and Junliang Lv, Numerical method of profile reconstruction for a periodic transmission problem from single-sided data, Communications in Computational Physics, 24(2), 435-453, 2018. [8] Xue Jiang, Peijun Li, Junliang Lv and Weiying Zheng, An adaptive finite element PML method for the elastic wave scattering problem in periodic structures, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 51(5), 2017-2047, 2017.
[7] Xue Jiang, Peijun Li, Junliang Lv and Weiying Zheng, An adaptive finite element method for the wave scattering with transparent boundary condition, Journal of Scientific Computing, 72(3), 936-956, 2017.
[6] Yanni Gao, Junliang Lv and Lanhui Zhang, Mixed finite volume element method for elliptic problems on non-matching multiblock triangular grids, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 14(3), 456-476, 2017.
[5] Xiukun Zhao, Yanli Chen and Junliang Lv, A mixed nonoverlapping covolume method on quadrilateral grids for elliptic problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 292, 23-40, 2016. [4] Gang Bao, Peijun Li and Junliang Lv, Numerical solution of an inverse diffraction grating problem from phaseless data, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 30(3), 293-298, 2013. [3] Junliang Lv, Yonghai Li, Optimal biquadratic finite volume element methods on quadrilateral meshes, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 50(5), 2379-2399, 2012. [2] Junliang Lv, Yonghai Li, L^2 error estimates and superconvergence of the finite volume element methods on quadrilateral meshes, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 37(3), 393-416, 2012. [1] Junliang Lv, Yonghai Li, L^2 error estimate of the finite volume element methods on quadrilateral meshes, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 33(2),129-148, 2010.