學術論文: |
[1]Li, C., Zhang, H., and Wang, D. (2021). Modelling and monitoring of INAR (1) process with geometrically inflated Poisson innovations.Journal of Applied Statistics, 1-27. (SCI) [2]Li, C., Cui, S., and Wang, D. (2021). Monitoring the Zero-Inflated Time Series Model of Counts with Random Coefficient.Entropy,23(3), 372. (SCI) [3]Chen, J., Wang, D.,Li, C.,and Huang, J. (2020). Estimation and testing of multivariate random coefficient autoregressive model based on empirical likelihood.Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 1-25. (SCI) [4]Li, C., and Sun, J. (2020). Variable selection for high-dimensional quadratic Cox model with application to Alzheimer’s disease.The international journal of biostatistics,16(2). (SCI) [5]Li, C., Wang, D., and Zhu, F. (2019). Detecting mean increases in zero truncated INAR (1) processes.International Journal of Production Research,57(17), 5589-5603. (SCI) [6]Li, C., Wang, D., and Sun, J. (2019). Control charts based on dependent count data with deflation or inflation of zeros.Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,89(17), 3273-3289. (SCI) [7]Li, C., Wang, D., and Zhu, F. (2016). Effective control charts for monitoring the NGINAR (1) process.Quality and Reliability Engineering International,32(3), 877-888. (SCI) [8]Li, C., Wang, D., and Zhang, H. (2015). First-order mixed integer-valued autoregressive processes with zero-inflated generalized power series innovations.Journal of the Korean Statistical Society,44, 232-246. (SCI) |