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伟德线上平台、所2019年系列學術活動(第69場):趙開明教授 加拿大羅瑞爾大學

發表于: 2019-05-22   點擊: 

報告題目:Generalized oscillator representations of the twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra

報 告 人:趙開明教授 加拿大羅瑞爾大學

報告時間:525 1510-16:00



A general result on sufficient conditions for tensor product modules to be simple over an arbitrary Lie algebra will be given. All simple smooth modules over the infinite-dimensional Heisenberg algebra will be obtained. Using generalized oscillator representations we give the necessary and sufficient conditions for Whittaker modules over the Heisenberg algebra to be simple. The ``shifting technique" will be used to determine the necessary and sufficient conditions for the tensor products of highest weight modules and modules of intermediate series over the Heisenberg algebra to be simple. All results come form a joint paper with R. Lu.


  趙開明,加拿大羅瑞爾大學教授、中科院百人計劃,主要從事李代數、非交換代數等領域的研究工作,在《 Advances in Mathematics》《Proceedings of the London Ma thematical Society》《Transactions of the American Mathematical Society》等雜志發表高水平學術論文100餘篇,主持完成3項加拿大研究理事會基金項目和多項國家面上項目,是國際代數學領域有重要影響的專家。
