報告題目:Joint Analysis of Longitudinal Data with Informative Observation and Terminal Event Times
報 告 人:孫六全研究員 中科院
報告時間:2019年5月21日 16:00-17:30
In longitudinal observational studies, longitudinal variables are often correlated with observation times. Also, there may exist a dependent terminal event that stops the follow-up. In this article, we propose a joint modeling approach for analyzing longitudinal data with informative observation times and a terminal event. This approach introduces a shared frailty to specify the dependence structure among the longitudinal process, the observation and terminal event times. Some estimation procedures are developed for the model parameters and the degree of dependence. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established. The finite sample performance of the proposed estimators is examined through simulation studies. An application to a medical cost study for chronic heart failure patients from the University of Virginia Health System is provided.
孫六全,北京大學理學博士,中國科學院應用數學研究所博士後;現任中國現場統計研究會副理事長,中國概率統計學會副理事長,中國統計教育學會高等教育分會副會長,北京應用統計學會副會長,中國現場統計研究會資源與環境統計分會常務副理事長,中國統計教育學會常務理事,全國工業統計學教學研究會常務理事、監事會副會長、競賽委員會副主任委員,北京大數據協會常務理事。《Statistics and Its Interface》,《Statistics in Biosciences》,《Journal of Biometrics & Biostatistics》,《Journal of Systems Science and Complexity》, 《數理統計與管理》,《應用概率統計》等雜志Associate Editor,中國第二屆數學名詞審定委員會委員,《中國大百科全書》第三版統計學卷副主編、數學卷編委。在國内外核心刊物發表學術論文120多篇,先後主持或參加了973重大項目,國家自然科學基金重大項目、重點項目和面上項目等18項。