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伟德线上平台、所2019年系列學術報告(第18場):張彬林教授 黑龍江工程學院

發表于: 2019-02-28   點擊: 

報告題目:Concentration compactness principle with applications to fractional Kirchhoff-type problems

報告人:張彬林教授 黑龍江工程學院

報告時間:201934 上午1000-1100


摘要:In this talk, we first give a fractional version of the principle of concentration compactness in the setting of fractional p-Laplacian. Then we are concerned with the existence and  multiplicity of solutions for some fractional p-Kirchhoff type problems involving critical exponents. It is worth pointing out that our problems possess significant difficulties due to the presence of the possibly degenerate Kirchhoff function and of the nonlocal feature of the fractional Laplacian. Finally, we present some recent results concerning the applications of the above concentration compactness principle in the study of fractional Kirchhoff-type problems.

報告人簡介:張彬林,黑龍江工程學院數學系副教授,應用數學研究所所長,哈爾濱工業大學基礎數學博士,意大利地中海研究中心博士後,南開大學陳省身數學研究所博士後,哈爾濱工程大學兼職博士生導師。自2012年以來,在《J. Differential Equations》、《Calc. Var. PDEs》、《Nonlinearity》、《Disc. Contin. Dyn. Syst. A.》、 Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh (A)》等國際知名期刊上發表了SCI檢索論文50餘篇,其中14篇入選為ESI高被引論文,8篇入選為ESI熱點論文。2016年獲得首屆黑龍江省數學會優秀青年學術獎,2018年獲黑龍江省高校科學技術二等獎,2018年獲英國皇家學會頒發的中國高被引作者獎。目前是美國數學會《Mathematical Reviews》評論員,3個國際數學SCI期刊的編委。
