報告題目:Relative Novikov conjecture for coarse embedding groups
報 告 人:田更 副教授 遼甯大學
報告時間:2024年10月13日 9:50-10:30
校内聯系人:張遠航 zhangyuanhang@jlu.edu.cn
In this talk, we shall introduce a result about strong relative Novikov conjecture. More precisely, given manifolds with boundary (M,∂M), if both the kernel of h: π_1 (∂M)→π_1 (M) and π_1 (M) admit coarse embedding into Hilbert spaces, then the strong relative Novikov conjecture is true. As an application, the classical Novikov conjecture for manifolds with boundary holds in this case.
田更,遼甯大學數學與統計學院副教授,主要從事泛函分析中非交換幾何和算子理論的研究。代表性科研論文發表于《Math. Z.》、《J. Operator Theory》、《Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 》等學術期刊。