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伟德线上平台、所2024年系列學術活動(第124場):李春光 副教授 東北師範大學

發表于: 2024-10-11   點擊: 

報告題目:Remarks on Villadsen algebras

報 告 人:李春光 副教授 東北師範大學

報告時間:2024年10月13日 9:00-9:40


校内聯系人:張遠航 zhangyuanhang@jlu.edu.cn


Villadsen algebras of the first type were constructed in 1998 as examples of simple unital C*-algebras which have perforation in their ordered K_0 group. This class of C*-algebras lies outside the scope of the current classification theorem, as Villadsen algebras do not absorb the Jiang-Su algebra Z tensorially. We shall show that such algebras can be classified by the K_0 group together with the radius of comparison. Also, we shall show that such algebras are singly generated. These works are joint with Elliott, Niu and Ruzicka.


李春光,東北師範大學副教授,2012年博士畢業于吉林大學。李春光主要從事算子理論與算子代數方面問題研究,涉及Hilbert空間算子的結構與逼近問題,C*-代數的結構與性質,先後在Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., J. Funct. Anal. J. Nocommut. Geom. 等雜志發表多篇文章。
