報告題目:A stable partitioned FSI algorithm for incompressible flow and deforming beams
報 告 人:李龍飛教授 美國路易斯安那大學
A new partitioned algorithm is described for solving fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems coupling incompressible flows with elastic structures undergoing finite deformations. The new algorithm, referred to as the Added-Mass Partitioned (AMP) scheme, overcomes the added-mass instability that has for decades plagued partitioned FSI simulations of incompressible flows coupled to light structures. Within a Finite-Difference framework, the AMP scheme achieves fully second-order accuracy and remains stable, without sub-time-step iterations, even for very light structures when added-mass effects are strong. The stability and accuracy of the AMP scheme is validated through mode analysis and numerical experiments. Aiming to extend the AMP scheme to an Finite-Element framework, we also develop an accurate and efficient Finite-Element Method for solving the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations with high-order accuracy up-to the boundary.
李龍飛,現任美國路易斯安那大學數學系助理教授, 于2009年獲得四川大學學士學位,而後分别于2011年和2014年獲得美國特拉華大學碩士及博士學位,2014年至2017年擔任美國倫斯勒理工學院 Margaret A. Darrin postdoctal fellow,然後在美國路易斯安那大學數學系任教至今。主要研究興趣為偏微分方程數值解、高性能計算方法,和數值分析。已在 Journal of Computational Physics, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, physics of fluids等雜志發表科研論文10餘篇。