報告題目: Transparent boundary conditions for computational wave propagation
報 告 人:李培軍 教授 (美國Purdue University)
Scattering problems have significant applications in diverse scientific areas such as radar and sonar, geophysical exploration, and nondestructive testing. They are usually imposed in open domains which need to be truncated into bounded domains. Therefore, appropriate boundary conditions are required on the boundaries of the truncated domains to avoid artificial wave reflection. Such boundary conditions are called transparent boundary conditions (TBCs). In this talk, we will discuss two commonly used methods to impose TBCs: the perfectly matched layer (PML) technique and Dirichlet-to-Neumann (DtN) map. The mathematics and numerics will be presented and compared for the both methods to handle acoustic, elastic, and electromagnetic wave propagation problems.
2005年畢業于美國密西根州立大學獲博士學位,現任普渡大學數學系教授。主要從事科學計算、數值分析和偏微分方程反問題等工作,特别是光學、電磁學和波動方程中正反散射問題的研究。先後主持了多項美國國家自然科學基金項目,發表論文80餘篇。曾獲美國國家自然科學基金傑出獎項(NSF Career Award)及2015年度Calderon Prize。