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伟德线上平台、所2019年系列學術活動(第82場):Max Gunzburger教授 美國佛羅裡達州立大學

發表于: 2019-05-31   點擊: 

報告題目:A personal view of interdisciplinary training and research, why is it difficult, and how it should be done

報 告 人:Max Gunzburger教授 美國佛羅裡達州立大學




It is thought by many, if not by most, that forming teams, often large teams, of researchers who are experts in different disciplines (mathematical sciences, engineering, natural sciences, social sciences, etc.) is necessary in order to make progress on addressing the complex problems facing us today. We have this opinion despite the evidence available tells us that the great technological advances have been made by individuals or small teams of researchers. We then proceed to look at how interdisciplinary teams are formed today, what difficulties such teams face in working as a group, how such teams should be formed, and perhaps how researchers should be trained so that interdisciplinary teams can best succeed.


       Max Gunzburger是佛羅裡達州立大學Francis Eppes傑出教授。1966獲紐約大學學士學位,并于1969年獲得柯朗研究所的博士學位。他的開創性研究成果包括流體控制,有限元分析,超導方程的分析與計算以及非局部問題的分析與計算。Gunzburger還在空氣動力學,材料,聲學,氣候變化,地下水等領域做出了卓越的貢獻。在2006年的國際數學家大會上作邀請報告, 2008 年獲 SIAM W. T. and Idalia Reed AwardGunzburger是首屆(2009SIAM Fellow
