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伟德线上平台、所2019年系列學術活動(第81場): 柳絮教授 東北師範大學

發表于: 2019-05-30   點擊: 

報告題目:Finite codimensional controllability of evolution equations

報 告 人:柳絮教授 東北師範大學數學與統計學院




In this talk, the finite codimensional controllability for evolution equations is introduced. This new controllability is shown to be equivalent to finite codimensionality for some set. Therefore, it may be used to verify Pontryagin's maximum principle for some optimal control  problems  with state constraints. Some equivalent criteria on it are presented. As an example, the finite codimensional controllability for wave equations is proved to be equivalent to geometric control condition. This method is also applicable to the study of some stochastic optimal control problems and general abstract infinite-dimensional optimization problems. This is a joint work with Qi Lv and Xu Zhang.


  柳絮,東北師範大學數學與統計學院教授,博士生導師,入選國家萬人計劃青年拔尖人才。1999年和2002年于東北師範大學分别獲得學士和碩士學位,2007年于浙江大學獲得博士學位。主要從事分布參數系統控制和随機系統控制的研究工作。要工作發表在SIAM Journal on Control and OptimizationJournal of Functional AnalysisJournal of Differential Equations等期刊上。
