報告題目:State-Structured Differential Equation Models for Infectious Diseases
報 告 人:Prof. Michael Y. Li 阿爾伯塔大學數學與統計學院
報告時間:5月16日 上午10:00-11:00
In this talk, I will first introduce the concept of state structures for infectious diseases.
The state is a measure of infectivity of an infected individual in epidemic models or the
intensity of viral replications in an infected cell for in-host models. In modelling,
a state structure can be either discrete or continuous.
In a discrete state structure, a model is described by a large system of coupled
ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The complexity of the system often poses a
serious challenge for the analysis of system dynamics. I will show how such a complex
system can be viewed as a dynamical system defined on a transmission-transfer
network (digraph), and how a graph-theoretic approach to Lyapunov functions
developed by Guo-Li-Shuai can be applied to rigorously establish the global dynamics.
In a continuous state structure, the model gives rise to a system of nonlinear
integro-differential equations with a nonlocal term. The mathematical challenges
for such a system include a lack of compactness of the associated nonlinear semigroup.
The well-posedness and dissipativity of the semigroup is established by directly verifying
the asymptotic smoothness. An equivalent principal spectral condition between the
next-generation operator and the linearized operator allows us to link the basic
reproduction number R0 to a threshold condition for the stability of the disease-free
equilibrium. The proof of the global stability of the endemic equilibrium utilizes a
Lyapunov function whose construction is informed by the graph-theoretic
approach in the discrete case.