報告題目:Construct Solution Landscapes of Nematic Liquid Crystal
報 告 人:張磊 北京大學
報告時間:2019-4-5 14:30
Topological defect plays an important role in the physics of liquid crystals. Although a large amount of previous studies is devoted to understand and compute the stable defect structures in liquid crystals as a consequence of geometric frustration, less attention has been paid to investigate the transition states between stable defect structures and the solution landscapes of nematic liquid crystals. In this talk, we first show that a combination of the Landau-de Gennes model and the multi-scale string method can systematically investigate the transition pathways between different defect patterns of nematic liquid crystals confined in a 3D cylinder with homeotropic boundary condition in 3D cylinder. Next, we proposed a High index Optimization-based Shrinking Dimer (HiOSD) method to compute the complete defect landscape of Nematic Liquid Crystals in 2D square. The joint work with Pingwen Zhang (PKU).
張磊,北京大學北京國際數學研究中心研究員/副教授,定量生物學中心研究員,博士生導師。2001年在北京大學數學科學學院獲學士學位, 2004年在中國科學院數學與系統科學研究院獲碩士學位,2009年在美國賓州州立大學數學系獲博士學位。2009年至2012年在美國加州大學爾灣分校任訪問助理教授,2012年至2013年在香港城市大學任助理教授,2013年6月加入北京大學北京國際數學研究中心。研究領域為計算與應用數學,在數學與生物和材料的交叉學科中做出了一些代表性的工作。曾獲中組部青年“”計劃,基金委優秀青年科學基金,牛頓高級學者基金等。