報告時間:2019年1月15日 上午11:00-12:00
報告人: 東北師範大學陳良雲教授
報告題目:Some structure theories of Leibniz triple systems
報告摘要:In this talk, we focus on Leibniz triple systems. We first study their universal Leibniz envelopes, give some results of solvable and nilpotent Leibniz triple systems, respectively. We then obtain Levi's theorem and some properties of presentations for Leibniz triple systems. Last, we define split Leibniz triple systems and graded Leibniz triple systems. By the connections of roots and graded connections of roots, we obtain a sufficient and necessary condition of a simple split Leibniz triple system, also get a sufficient condition of a graded Leibniz triple system with a trivial annihilator which can be decomposed into the direct sum of its ideals. This talk is a report on joint work with Yan Cao and Yao Ma.
報告人簡介:陳良雲,東北師範大學教授、博士生導師,主要研究方向是模李超代數及其應用。 南開大學理學博士,哈爾濱工業大學博士後、東京大學博士後,東北師範大學首批"東師學者"青年學術骨幹。曾為10餘家雜志審稿,多次在國内外做學術報告。主持國家自然科學基金三項(面上基金、青年基金、天元基金)、省自然科學基金和教育部留學歸國基金各一項。在《J.Pure Appl. Algebra》、《Commun. Algebra》、《J. Geom. Phys.》、《Results Math.》、《Bull. Korean Math. Soc.》、《Bull.Iran Math. Soc.》、《Acta Math. Sin. Ser B》、《Chin. Ann. Math. Ser B》、《Front. Math. China》、《Alg. Collq.》、《Acta Math. Sci. Ser B》等雜志上發表或接收的學術論文共30餘篇,其中SCI檢索論文近20篇。