報告時間:2019年1月15日 上午10:00-11:00
報告人: 東北師範大學張慶成教授
報告題目:Some results of Hom-Leibniz superalgebras, Hom-Poisson superalgebras and Hom-Leibniz Poisson superalgebras
報告摘要:In this talk, we characterize Hom-Leibniz superalgebras, Hom-Poisson superalgebras and Hom-Leibniz Poisson superalgebras, and present the methods of constructing these superalgebras. Moreover, we show that Hom-Poisson superalgebras can be described only by using twisting maps and binary operations. Finally, representations of Hom-Leibniz Poisson superalgebras are also investigated. This is joint work with Chunyue Wang and Zhu Wei.