報告題目:Extending Hecke endomorphism algebras using exact categories
報 告 人:Leonard Scott (McConnell/Bernard Professor Emeritus, University of Virginia)
This talk is based on a series of published papers, and also a current preliminary manuscript, all written with Jie Du and Brian Parshall. (The manuscript includes also an appendix by Veronica Shalotenko.) I will give some of the history and framework leading to a main conjecture we had made much earlier (1998), now proved by us. Roughly, the conjecture asserts the existence and good behavior of a kind of extended q-Schur algebra, suitable for studying cross-characteristic representation theory of finite groups of Lie type. In addition to the framework, I will focus on some of the ingredients of a general nature in the proof, an especially novel such ingredient being the design of tailor-made exact categories to deal with Ext1 vanishing issues.
Leonard Scott (McConnell/Bernard Professor Emeritus, University of Virginia) 在Compos. Math.,Adv. Math.,Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.,Comm. Math. Phys.,J. Reine Angew. Math.等雜志上發表高水平雜志100餘篇,被引用1500餘次。