報 告 人:錢紘教授 美國華盛頓大學
There is a growing awareness toward a slow shifting in the foundation of the thermodynamic laws, from several macroscopic, empirical postulates concerning heat as a form of random motions, to derivable mathematical theorems based on stochastic dynamics of mesoscopic systems. It becomes increasingly clear that a stochastic dynamic description of the Nature is a very effective mathematical representation of the Reality. In this talk, I shall first introduce this mathematicothermodynamics as a set of mathematical results, and then apply them to two significant problems: (1) The Gibbsian macroscopic isothermal chemical thermodynamics via a mathematical limit by merely allowing the molecular numbers to be infinite. (2) A lift of a finite Markov process with irreversible cycles to an infinite system that establishes, in the long-time limit, the entropy production in the former is equal to the potential energy decrease in the latter. This result unifies the Clausius’ and Kelvin’s statements of the Second Law.
錢紘,美國華盛頓大學教授,北京大學定量生物學中心兼職教授。錢紘教授1982年畢業于北京大學天體物理學專業,1989年于華盛頓大學取得生物化學和生物物理博士學位,并在俄勒岡大學、加州理工學院作博士後。錢紘教授的研究方向為生命系統的随機動力學、系統生物學、生物物理化學、生物數學等。已在 Physics Reports、Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 等頂級綜述期刊發表綜述文章19篇,在 Nature、PNAS、Physical Review Letters、Biophysical Journal、 Journal of Chemical Physics、Physical Review E、SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics、Journal of Mathematical Biology 等雜志發表研究論文150餘篇。